Certificate I in Skills for Vocational Pathways (FSK10213)
- Read and respond to simple workplace information (FSKRDG07)
- Identify and use whole numbers and simple fractions, decimals and percentages for work (FSKNUM08)
- Use simple strategies for work-related learning (FSKLRG08)
- Participate in simple spoken interactions at work (FSKOCM03)
- Identify, measure and estimate familiar quantities for work (FSKNUM09)
- Write simple workplace information (FSKWTG06)
- Use digital technology for simple workplace tasks (FSKDIG02)
This course has no current classes. Please the waiting list.
Certificate I in access to vocational pathways (FSK10113)
- Use digital technology for basic workplace tasks (FSKDIG01)
- Write basic workplace information (FSKWTG03)
- Use whole numbers and money up to one thousand for work (FSKNUM03)
- Read and respond to basic workplace information (FSKRDG04)
- Use basic strategies for work-related learning (FSKLRG04)
- Engage in basic spoken exchanges at work (FSKOCM02)
- Locate, compare and use highly familiar measurements for work (FSKNUM04)
This course has no current classes. Please the waiting list.
Certifiicate II in Skills for Work and Vocational Pathways (FSK20113)
- Interact effectively with others at work (FSKOCM07)
- Write routine workplace texts (FSKWTG09)
- Read and respond to routine workplace information (FSKRDG10)
- Estimate, measure and calculate with routine metric measurements for work (FSKNUM15)
- Use strategies to respond to routine workplace problems (FSKLRG09)
- Use digital technology for routine workplace tasks (FSKDIG03)
- Calculate with whole numbers and familiar fractions, decimals and percentages for work (FSKNUM14)
- Use routine strategies for work-related learning (FSKLRG11)
This course has no current classes. Please the waiting list.
Open Learning Class
This course has no current classes. Please the waiting list.
Pathways to Education/Employment
- Participate in safe work practices (SITXWHS101)
- Read and respond to routine workplace information (FSKRDG10)
- Use beginning whole number skills and money up to one hundred for work (FSKNUM01)
- Interact with customers (SITXCCS202)
- Write simple workplace information (FSKWTG06)
- Apply basic communication skills (BSBCMM101A)
- Use business technology (BSBWOR204A)
- Plan skills development (BSBLED101A)
- Participate in simple spoken interactions at work (FSKOCM03)
- Use digital technology for routine workplace tasks (FSKDIG03)
- Organise and complete daily work activities (BSBWOR202A)
- Communicate in the workplace (BSBCMM201A)
- Carry out basic workplace calculations (TLIE1005A)
- Complete simple workplace formatted texts (FSKWTG05)
This course has no current classes. Please the waiting list.
English for Work
- Read and respond to routine workplace information (FSKRDG10)
- Complete simple workplace formatted texts (FSKWTG05)
- Work safely in the construction industry (CPCCOHS1001A)
- Provide cardiopulmonary resuscitation (HLTAID001)
- Write simple workplace information (FSKWTG06)
- Provide first aid (HLTAID003)
- Use hygienic practices for food safety (SITXFSA101)
- Plan skills development (BSBLED101A)
- Provide basic emergency life support (HLTAID002)
- Operate a personal computer (BSBITU101A)
- Use digital technology for routine workplace tasks (FSKDIG03)
- Participate in simple spoken interactions at work (FSKOCM03)
- Use beginning whole number skills and money up to one hundred for work (FSKNUM01)
This course has no current classes. Please the waiting list.
English for work
- Use hygienic practices for food safety (SITXFSA101)
- Participate in safe work practices (SITXWHS101)
- Work safely in the construction industry (CPCCOHS1001A)
- Read and respond to basic workplace information (FSKRDG04)
- Provide basic emergency life support (HLTAID002)
- Write basic workplace formatted texts (FSKWTG02)
- Licence to operate a forklift truck (TLILIC2001A)
- Participate in highly familiar spoken exchanges (FSKOCM01)
- Write personal details on basic workplace forms (FSKWTG01)
This course has no current classes. Please the waiting list.
SMART Program
- Provide first aid (HLTAID003)
- Read and respond to routine workplace information (FSKRDG10)
- Write simple workplace information (FSKWTG06)
- Write routine formal workplace texts (FSKWTG07)
- Participate in safe work practices (SITXWHS101)
- Use hygienic practices for food safety (SITXFSA101)
- Provide healthy eating information to clients in accordance with recommended guidelines (SISFFIT306A)
- Interact with customers (SITXCCS202)
- Interact effectively with others at work (FSKOCM07)
- Provide fitness orientation and health screening (SISFFIT301A)
- Use simple strategies for work-related learning (FSKLRG08)
- Read and respond to simple workplace information (FSKRDG07)
- Use routine strategies for work-related learning (FSKLRG11)
- Participate in simple spoken interactions at work (FSKOCM03)
This course has no current classes. Please the waiting list.
Certificate I in Business (BSB10115)
This course has no current classes. Please the waiting list.
Aboriginal Tourism Course Expression of Interest
This course has no current classes. Please the waiting list.