Certifiicate II in Skills for Work and Vocational Pathways (FSK20113)
Assessments are made against units of competency from the Certificate II in Skills for Work and Vocational Pathways FSK20113.
- Interact effectively with others at work (FSKOCM07)
- Write routine workplace texts (FSKWTG09)
- Read and respond to routine workplace information (FSKRDG10)
- Estimate, measure and calculate with routine metric measurements for work (FSKNUM15)
- Use strategies to respond to routine workplace problems (FSKLRG09)
- Use digital technology for routine workplace tasks (FSKDIG03)
- Calculate with whole numbers and familiar fractions, decimals and percentages for work (FSKNUM14)
- Use routine strategies for work-related learning (FSKLRG11)
This course has no current classes. Please the waiting list.