English for Work
Assessments are made against units of competency.
- Read and respond to routine workplace information (FSKRDG10)
- Complete simple workplace formatted texts (FSKWTG05)
- Work safely in the construction industry (CPCCOHS1001A)
- Provide cardiopulmonary resuscitation (HLTAID001)
- Write simple workplace information (FSKWTG06)
- Provide first aid (HLTAID003)
- Use hygienic practices for food safety (SITXFSA101)
- Plan skills development (BSBLED101A)
- Provide basic emergency life support (HLTAID002)
- Operate a personal computer (BSBITU101A)
- Use digital technology for routine workplace tasks (FSKDIG03)
- Participate in simple spoken interactions at work (FSKOCM03)
- Use beginning whole number skills and money up to one hundred for work (FSKNUM01)
This course has no current classes. Please the waiting list.
Developing Skills for new migrants which asist with living and employment outcomes Contact the Student Support Services officer for more details