Small Business Digital Workshops – Intermediate/Beginners Western Riverina Community College

Small Business Digital Workshops – Intermediate/Beginners

Assessments are made against units of competency.
  • Use digital technology for basic workplace tasks (FSKDIG01)
  • Prepare to participate in a learning environment (FSKLRG01)
  • Communicate electronically (BSBITU203)

This course has no current classes. Please the waiting list.

Small Business Digital Workshops – Intermediate Level
Back by popular demand are our FREE Small Business Digital Workshops! This intermediate level workshop has been designed for business owners who have already been actively using a Facebook Business page but feel unsure how to take it to the next level. We will take you through understanding your Facebook page settings, how to use paid boosts to connect with your target audience and track engagement. We will also delve into email marketing campaigns, including effective techniques for retaining all your customer and potential customers email addresses.
Requirements: Laptop (if you do not have your own please advise WRCC and we will organise one for the duration of the workshop.
Griffith: Monday, 20th August, 5pm – 9pm
Leeton: Thursday 13th September, 1pm – 5pm