Little Artists 7- 11 year olds
This course has no current classes. Please the waiting list.
Course Description; For children aged 7– 10 years.
Classes are suitable for new and continuing students, presenting a new range of exciting activities.
This course is designed for young children to enjoy learning a wide range of age appropriate art making skills including: drawing, painting, collage, printmaking. Students will have fun and experiment with different mediums including charcoal, inks, pencil, oil pastels, watercolours, acrylics and more. Lessons are fun mix of theory with practical exercises and include referencing famous artists, their paintings and techniques.These classes are carefully planned to give the right balance of exercises to develop foundation artistic and cognitive skills with fun activities to keep your child engaged .
$60 for the term which includes 3 sessions – The price for children’s classes includes all art materials and tuition. The facilitator is a practicing artist and fully qualified Early Childhood Educator.